Sunday, December 11, 2011

Author Interview Questions

To start this off for those of you who don't know, I am an author. My first book was published this year, so I'm still a new author in the publishing world.

My question for you is this:
You see an author you like on TV in an interview. Now, maybe you've only read one of their books, or maybe it's your favorite author. My question I pose to you is "What questions would you like to hear asked of this author?"

Like I said, it doesn't have to be your favorite author, it can be just a local author, and maybe you have questions for them. The questions can be about them, or it can be about their book, or whatever.
So, what's your answer to this question? I'm looking into doing an interview and I'd like to get some ideas of what the fans might ask. I know what I might ask, but I want to know what YOU might ask.

Dark Stories in the Works

I know, I know, I admit I haven't maintained my blog as much as I should have, though I do plan on making a point of it. I'm sure some of you are wondering what I've been doing, why haven't I been posting much, etc. I apologize, life and all of its ups and downs have kept me pretty busy lately. But, I am here to let you know that I have many projects in store for you.

Well, to keep you up to date, I've been editing the sequel in the Bad Elements horror/paranormal/fantasy/erotica series, which is titled The Hybrid. I have also written the beginning to my religious horror novel titled, The Shadow of Evil, along with the beginning to the third installment in the Bad Elements series, Armageddon. I have also written the intro for two other stories, one titled, And, the Dead Walk and a temporary title for the other, Hallucinosis. I'm not sure if I'll keep the title, Hallucinosis, for my sci/fi - horror/thriller, and I'm still deliberating on whether this will be a full length novel, a short story or a novella. The horror And, the Dead Walk will most likely be a full length novel.

An intro has also been written for another horror story I'm working on which is currently untitled. Well, I can't say there's not a title, there is a temporary title, but to reveal that would also reveal the creature within the story so the title is secret for now. <evil grin> You wouldn't want me to reveal too much, now would you?

I have also written a short horror/thriller story titled, Sacrificial Blood, which I'm going to edit, and use as the intro to either a novel, short story, or novella. This is ONLY a short story, so when the rest of the actual story is written, I may change up the title just a little. With this short story, I may post it on the web as a FREE READ on all of your favorite social networking sites, including Facebook, Myspace, Blogger, etc. So, keep an eye out for this.

I have many projects lined up, complete with plenty of horror/action/suspense and thrills. It's everything you need to send icy chills down your spine. Some of these stories you may not want to read in the dark - so keep a light on and your garlic & silver bullets nearby. Oh, wait, that only works on vampires and werewolves. I have many things to show you down in my mausoleum, including vampires, werewolves, aliens, monsterous creatures, ghosts and more.

Also, please make sure to check out my published novel, Crystal Dragon, the first in the Bad Elements series. For all you readers out there, Crystal Dragon is a horror/thriller/paranormal/fantasy novel complete with vampires/werewolves.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Excerpt from Bad Elements: Crystal Dragon Published

Also, for those of you interested in gaining insight into my book, an excerpt from my novel, Bad Elements: Crystal Dragon has been published in the Pill Hill Erotica Quarterly's publication. Looks like it was just in time for the October issue. Great timing! Here is the link to purchase a copy of their quarterly publication.

Forewarning though, there is a spoiler in this excerpt so be prepared if you have purchased a copy and have not read that far into it.


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

New "Sneak Peek" Tab

If you haven't had a chance to pick up my book, please take a moment to check out my new "Sneak Peek" Tab. I've included the Prologue and the first chapter, Imprisoned, from my novel, Bad Elements: Crystal Dragon. If you still feel the need to read more after reading these two chapters, then make sure to visit YES Publishing Group, or to purchase a copy.

Also, remember, I am currently working on my sequel to Crystal Dragon in the Bad Elements series, titled The Hybrid. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Guest Post

I recently wrote an article for a guest blog on Rainy of the Dark's blogger. If you are interested in any writing tidbits, either from me or anyone else who has the knowledge and skills, please check out Rainy's site. My article is about Character Development.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What Every Horror Writer Should Always Have On Hand!

This thought came to me late last night after my husband and I were running through some promotional photo ideas for my book. The first thing I want to remind you is that #1 was my husband's idea, which after a moment of thought, I agreed with him. Personally, I think these are must-haves, because they really do capture the imagination and help us as writers.

1. An a**hole for a spouse or partner (in the case of a woman  - use your imagination) - This is perfect for when you need murder scene ideas and your spouse has managed to piss you off once again (use your imagination). Or just aggravate your significant other, so you can delve into your creative process. You need to be able to improvise and come up with ideas for not getting caught or just for creating the scene.

REMINDER - By all means, I'm not a violent advocate in the least bit, and I'm sure others would question that considering I write horror. I also am not promoting intentionally harming another person or animal. THIS IS STRICTLY FOR YOUR WRITER'S IMAGINATION FOR YOUR STORIES! So, please keep this is mind. (After 23 years of a successful marriage, my husband and I still have a sense of humor over this stuff.)

2. Laptop - This is pretty self-explanatory.
3. Pen & Paper - Self explanatory
4. Evil Cat - What better than an evil cat to fuel up your imagination. I do have one of those. Ok, maybe she's not evil,  but she sure does look it sometimes.
5. Camera - These are good to have on hand, whether you're writing or taking a day out on the town. If something catches your eye, take a picture of it. Whether you use it for writing or not, it's nice to reminisce over it.
6. Fake Blood - Hmm, okay, I know what you're thinking now. Why the hell should I have that on hand? Here you go, fake blood is great for those promotional pics you're going to take with your camera, whether you're going for the gore factor or playing with that murder scene you just wrote. It's nice to have a body nearby...oh excuse me, your spouse, partner, sister, brother, whomever. We don't want to give anybody the wrong impression here. THIS IS STRICTLY FOR THEATRICS, PROMOTION AND RESEARCH!
7. Caffeine - I prefer coca-cola or coffee myself. These are for those late nights you're working hard and by God, you're not going to bed until you get those thoughts written down. Lord knows, we don't want to forget our ideas!
8. Music - Look for inspirational music for whatever you are writing. Open your mind - and listen to that type of music or artist you FORBID yourself to listen to. You might find something that will inspire you. Believe it or not, I'm listening to music I never thought I would have in my entire life. I was looking for music to help my mindset when writing my first book when my daughter, Cassandra, told me, "Mom, you need to listen to Marilyn Manson. Even those that don't like him like at least one of his songs." So, I listened, and then I found myself researching him and his music. Now, I'm hooked!
9. Research books, dictionary, & thesaurus - If you're writing on a subject that needs plenty of research, I recommend having your research books on hand. And, yes, have your dictionary and thesaurus available too, even if you're writing on your laptop. They do come in handy, sometimes.
10. Phone - Keep it near you, but keep it on vibrate. Lord knows, you don't need any interruptions, but if there is an emergency, you have it available. This is also good to have when your done writing. It's always good to call that special someone (family, friend, whoever) after you're done writing to bring you back to earth. Do you ever get so involved in your writing that your mindset is focused strictly on the feelings and emotions in your book? It's good to call someone to bring your mind back to reality!

And, that's it for today. I hope you enjoyed my list of must-haves. Please remember to get back in focus with reality when you're done writing. Even if you can't talk to anybody, sit on the back porch and enjoy the sunlight. I know I've locked myself up in the bedroom too many times for my writing pleasure. Soak up the sun, jump in the pool, run in the sprinklers, just do something. Have a wonderful day!

Friday, April 1, 2011

New Connections

I must say, I am enjoying making new connections via social websites. Last night I received a friend's request, which I am delighted to say, made me extremely happy. This gentleman, Bruce S. Fuller, sent me the friend's request, along with a nice message, saying "I JUST BOUGHT YOUR E-BOOK!"

In doing my research on him, I found out he is the make-up artist, sculpture and special effects guy for such films as: The Underworld Series, Evil Resident II and III (not sure about the first one), Hellboy 2, Edward Scissorhands, Predator 2, Alien vs Predator, and lots of other films. His work is absolutely amazing and I am delighted because he is going to READ MY BOOK! I hope he enjoys it and if anything, I look forward to a book review from.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Horror Survey

I have a question for all of my fellow friends.  What scares you the most?  And, why?