I thought I would add a few promo pictures. There will be some interesting photos as you scroll through. And, as you do flip through the pics, please remember more will be added as they are taken - so please stay tuned. Also, just a reminder that my novel is a horror/thriller/paranormal/action story.
2014 Phoenix Fearcon
2014 Phoenix Fearcon
Book Signing at the 2014 Phoenix Fearcon
My Husband and I with Spring Garrett at the 2014 Phoenix Fearcon.
Pat & Lynn Mullican
Dinner with CCW, Custom Coffin Works
Attending one of the Famous CCW Parties
Pat Mullican, my husband, business partner & support
The photos I've included below are my husband goofing off with some of the theatrical fangs that we ordered. And, looks like we got the ones we need. He said they fit perfect and he had no problems with them. Enjoy the pics!